Latest news about Seljord

The Seljord blog is a piece of digital news about local events, festivals and fairs taking place in Seljord. 


It is also intended to be a guide on what to do and where to go in Seljord.


We have included some information on accommodation at our place and visitors staying with us.


Local events, festivities and fairs

There is a long tradition of festivals and cultural events in Seljord. Dyrskun, which occurs in September, is the biggest fair which hosts around 80-90 thousand attendants every year. During the summer months, there are some music festivals including Seljord Danseband and Countryfestivalen. Seljord is also a host to religious gatherings such as Korsvei, Maran Ata. In addition, you have a chance to see old-timer car displays or Icelandic horses competitions.

We are happy to host visitors from all over the world, so we have decided to make a gallery of the guests who agreed their photographs to be published on our website.


Fantastic guests at Hovstø